Sunday, March 25, 2012

Editorial: In Trayvon Martin's death, ugly echoes

That's the title of an editorial piece that was published in USA Today the other day. Click here to see the article.

I fully agree with the title. I think it's absolutely ugly how people are calling for Zimmerman's blood, how so many people are assuming he's a racist, because he shot a black youth, with no other evidence to go on. I think it's ugly, the way race is being used as a weapon, to shut down all rational discussion, to make it seem okay to place a $10,000 bounty on a man's head, and drive him into hiding, fearing for his life. I think it's ugly the way the media places a bad mugshot of Zimmerman next to a photo of a smiling Martin, clearly taking one side already. 

If you didn't read the editorial, the writer tries to compare this case to Emmet Till. How, exactly, is a 60 year old hate crime in any way relevant? Till was murdered by racists who didn't like that he whistled at a white woman. But here? Speculate all you like, but Zimmerman says he fired out of self-defense. Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty?" Why are people so quick to assume that he is lying? 

I think it's irresponsible how the media portrays only one side of the story. Go through the major newspaper outlets, and all you'll find is one article after another speculating on Zimmerman's racism. They headline quotes from Martin's family and friends, but offer no rebuttals from Zimmerman's relatives. And people buy into this. Thanks to the media, outrage over this case has been fueled to a fever pitch.

Here's the facts, as far as they are currently known. Zimmerman saw Martin, then followed him after calling 911. According to witnesses, the two got into a fight, during which calls for help were heard. While it is unclear from reports who did the shouting, close friends of Zimmerman say it is his voice calling for help in the 911 recordings. An anonymous witness stated that Martin was on top, beating on Zimmerman during the fight, and corroborates that the voice was Zimmerman's. In the end, Zimmerman fired 2 shots, one of which hit and killed Martin.

Yeah. Sounds like blatant racism to me. /sarcasm.

Did Zimmerman overreact when he fired his weapon? Maybe. Was Zimmerman guilty of profiling when he first decided to follow Martin, saying that Martin "looks like he's up to no good or he's on drugs or something? Probably. But that is not racism. Would you feel more threatened by a labrador or a rottweiler? How about a middle aged man in a suit vs a teen wearing a hoodie with his pants dropped halfway to the ground? Are you more willing to trust someone who just stepped out of a brand new car, or a rusty van with blacked out windows? We profile everyone and everything in the world. Whether our expectations fit the reality or not, it's how we make sense of our surroundings. A famous example is the candidate quiz:

Candidate A consults with astrologists. He's had two mistresses. He chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day. 
Candidate B was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of brandy every evening.
Candidate C is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and hasn't had any illicit affairs.

Who didn't pick C, only to find out they chose Hitler, over Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt? But there is nothing wrong with that choice, because every moment of every day, we have to make choices based on whatever little knowledge we have. And most often, when encountering someone you don't know, that knowledge is limited to visual appearance. Zimmerman made a choice. And now, he's being punished for it.

I get it, okay? Black people have been discriminated against, have suffered terribly at the hands of whites in the past. And yes, racial inequity has not been completely eradicated. But don't you think it's about time to start letting go of this grudge? Maybe it's time to stop assuming every white-on-black incident is a case of racism. Those were the actions of dead men. Maybe, instead of dwelling on the past, it would be more productive to look to the future. Success, status, respect. Those are things that are not simply given. They are earned by those who work for it. Use race as a tool to get what you want, and people may offer you their sympathy, and their pity, but nothing more. Let's face it. The black community is not one that holds the highest of reputations in the minds of many people (again, this is not inherently racism). But if you make your own path forward, instead of asking for reparations for past wrongs? Then you earn the respect, and trust of the masses. It may be hard, and it may not be fair, but such is life. No one ever said it would be easy (and if they did, well, they lied. Sorry).
Oh, and a note to the media; I don't care how slow of a news day you have. Report on how nothing happened today, how the most interesting piece of news you could find is a picture of a cat sitting in a box, for all I care. Just don't try to create news when it's not there.

The editorial article ends with the question "If Zimmerman were black and had shot a white, unarmed 17-year-old, would police have let him go?"

To which I ask, "If Zimmerman were black and had shot a white, unarmed 17-year-old, would anyone have even heard his name?"

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